Phonak Bolero M 30 R BTE Hearing Aid (Rechargeable)


Phonak Sky marvel

The Phonak Sky marvelis the hearing aid for lovers of innovation and ultimate everyday convenience. It marveluses all the technological gadgets you can think of.
The hearing aid has a particularly high sound quality and delivers a good sound result right from the first setting. As a result, getting used to this hearing aid takes very little effort. It marvelcan stream with all bluetooth devices, including all known smart phones. The sound quality when streaming is also very high. The rechargeable version of this hearing aid is charged very quickly, then lasts all day (even if you are streaming continuously) and the battery only needs to be replaced after 6 years. The Phonak marvel has 2 apps that make it even easier for the wearer. So easy, that even hearing impaired people use this hearing aid. The myPhonak app is in continuous contact with a remote hearing care professional. This allows you to have your hearing care professional adjust the hearing aid to your current needs in any situation. With the myCall-to-text app you can read with subtitles what the person you have on the phone is saying. On holiday, these Phonak marvelhearing aids are also very useful. If someone speaks to you in a different language, the hearing aid translates this into your language, we hear it said directly in your hearing aid. Your smart phone is immediately your new remote control, it can control everything

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